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Legal & Compliance

Privacy policy

HWG Sababa S.r.l. describes, in the information available on this page, the types of personal data processed, the purposes for which they may be used, the retention periods, as well as the rights of data subjects and other aspects indicated by applicable regulations.

Click here to view our Privacy Policy.

Cookie policy

HWG Sababa S.r.l., on its website, uses certain types of cookies that, depending on the type, may also be rejected by those browsing our website.

You can view our Cookie Policy by clicking here.

We invite you to consult both this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy, also available on this website.

Integrated Management System Policy

HWG Sababa S.r.l. implements a quality policy focused on achieving customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty, and compliance with regulations and laws in order to achieve and maintain the following objectives:

– being a reference point for customers for the reliability of products and services provided and compliance with service levels and release times;
– ensuring excellence in relationships;
– ensuring satisfaction of expressed and implicit customer needs and those that are mandatory.

You can consult our Integrated Management System Policy by clicking here.

Code of Ethics

HWG Sababa S.r.l. has adopted a Code of Ethics that defines the general principles of behavior that inspire its actions, adapting to the most advanced governance standards, in order to implement optimal management and organization of the company.

Our Code of Ethics contains both general and specific principles, concerning, among other things, relations with Authorities and Public Administration, as well as the management of relationships with customers and suppliers.

To request our Code of Ethics, contact us at the email address

Model 231/2001

The Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 of HWG Sababa S.r.l. (of which the Code of Ethics is an integral part) describes the main controls and behavioral guidelines to prevent the commission of crimes contemplated by decree 231 and its subsequent integrations.

The objective pursued is to make all stakeholders aware of the principles to which HWG Sababa employees and collaborators must also adhere.

To request the General Part of our Organizational Model, contact us at the email address

General Terms and Conditions

To view the General Terms and Conditions prepared by HWG Sababa S.r.l. for its Customers (click here) and for its Suppliers (click here).

General Terms and Conditions – SignBook

SignBook is the tool that HWG Sababa S.r.l. has chosen for the advanced electronic signature service of documents. To view the General Conditions related to the use of SignBook, click here.

Privacy Policy – SignBook

SignBook is the tool that HWG Sababa S.r.l. has chosen for the advanced electronic signature service of documents. To view the Privacy Policy related to the use of this tool, click here.

Third-Party Service Providers and Subprocessors

For details on our Third-Party Service Providers and Subprocessors, click here.

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