OT Cybersecurity
In the dynamic landscape of industrial cybersecurity, the first half of 2023 presented a stark reality: a surge in cyber incidents targeting industrial systems. Ransomware, a persistent menace, continued its assault on businesses worldwide, while Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) activities gained prominence. The discovery of critical vulnerabilities in both hardware and software components underscored the urgency for robust security measures.
The repercussions of these attacks are profound, touching every aspect of industrial operations, from safety to financial stability.
Traditionally, IT and Operational Technology (OT) security have been treated as separate domains, with defense mechanisms evolving at different rates. OT environments, relying on air-gapping for protection, are now confronted with the limitations of this approach in the era of interconnected systems and smart Industrial IoT devices.
At HWG Sababa, we understand the imperative to adapt to this evolving threat landscape. Our mission is clear: to bridge the gap between IT and OT security practices, ensuring comprehensive protection for industrial environments. But what are the optimal security measures to implement?

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